Monday 26 September 2011

Ek tha Tiger:

This blog is not about the salman starrer movie. It is about a Tiger. Last week on early saturday morning, a whole village lynched a tiger. It has been said that the tiger was cannibal, it had killed one woman and injured several others. After reading the news, my mind ventured into thoughts, thoughts like can we afford to lose even a cannibal tiger, did it really make sense killing the tiger.

There are several questions that have been rising. Per experts, until recently no tiger was witnessed in the area. So how did the tiger suddenly entered the area? May be because we are closing in on them. What made him a cannibal. Possibly it could be accidental or perhaps the tiger was hungry and unknowingly ventured into a human area where it found the woman and attacked her.

The news says that the tiger was lynched by the large number of crowds with rock and sticks. Fine, it was cannibal and even it had killed a human being. So was it liable to be killed in such dreadful way. People who are serial killer who have raped many women have not been attacked in such a severe manner let alone killed. I'll try to put it in words how the tiger was killed.

The tiger was continously being chased by the village people from morning. It was tired, even forest officer were trying to catch the tiger so that it could be taken to safe place. Early morning the tiger was witnessed by the forest officials where they saw the tiger was tired of being chased. So they captured it easily, but suddenly someone from the gathered crowd threw a rock on the tiger, it roared which dispersed the crowd immediately. The tiger ran for life again, but this time the fate had some other plans for the tiger, it entered a quick sand and then vulgar picture of our so called society was witnessed. It is said, the crowd gathered had as many as 20k people and they killed the tiger with sticks and rocks whatever they had in their bare hands.

Wonder what would have prompted them to kill the tiger. Was it the continous loss or unjustice that we as society have been witnessing through naxalism, corruption, racism, and treatment based on religion. Could this have prompted such  a reaction from the crowd knowing that the tiger is an endangered species which numbers only in hundreds now, or did they feel it was justice to kill the tiger since it had killed. If the latter is a reason, then may be it is time we should start taking pictures of each of those extinct species in their environment, because with this pace, our children and grand children will only witness them in pictures and at some point even google would say, no result found.

Even if we leave the endangered part out, the tiger as it is, is said to be Goddess Durga's mount. But did this even crossed the mind frame of that crowd who was hellbent on killing the tiger. In a few days, navratri would start and this same society will keep the goddess durga in homes with this same tiger and will pray but this time they preyed. The killed tiger was just 5 years old, barely an adult which had not even conceived once, wonder if it had been alive, it could have helped increase the number of tigers even may be just some digits.

Anyway, the tiger is dead, fingers have been raised, committees have been made to enquire about the behaviour and some people may get some punishment. Just for the information, killing an A listed endangered species in their own habitat amounts to 7 years in prison and fine of upto 7 lacs where as if it is outside its habitat, this same  punishment goes down to 1 year prison and fine of upto 1 lacs. With this I let you decide what should be the punishment for killing a tiger and what should be the punishment for killing a human being.

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