Sunday 21 April 2019

A Nightmare

As a kid, I was always shy, introvert, so much that my mother still believes that I have ego, arrogance or attitude problem. Also, another trait that I had was, I used to be scared of ghosts, so much that on Sunday, when the whole family would watch Zee horror show/Anhonee, I'd try to escape the opening credit sequence by either keeping hands on my ears or closing my ears with pillows, and read hanuman chalisa before sleeping.

But then that fear somehow fainted away, which is another hilarious story. One night, I think, I was still in teen years, may be 14 or 15, and still scared of watching horror movies, I could not sleep at night, so I switched on the television and if you are a 90s kid, you would know each cable operator used to show these late night movies, and my cable operator was showing Evil Dead. And at 2.00Am, I watched all of the Evil dead parts, laughing hard.

Anyway, this is about nightmare that I encountered some months ago. I'm writing it to document it, because the thought of it, still gives me jitters. I was asleep one day, and suddenly, somehow it felt, like I could not move and I was subconsciously awake. Thus, I know that what I was experiencing is in medical terms known as sleep paralysis, a condition in your REM, you encounter temporary paralysis.

But while experiencing this medical phenomena, I was also going through a dream. Before I let you know about this dream, let me digress a bit.

During summer holidays, we would alternate each year and visit our relatives from my mother's side and then another year, relative's from my father's side. So, when we used to visit our relative's from my mother's side, we would usually stay at our grand parent's house, and it was a big house and there will be lot of cousins to hang around and during summer every kid would bath outside, and me being shy, would opt for bathroom instead.

So towards the rear door, there was a big bathroom, and somehow the house was constructed in such a way that during the day too, that bathroom would be dark and it had a huge mirror, in which you can see yourself till waist. So, whenever after the bath or while taking the bath, I'd look at the mirror, I would see a face, it was clear to me yet, invisible to me, it was as if someone could see me through the mirror. It was a lady, with long open hairs, big vermilion dot on the forehead. This continued till I reached 10th standard and after that I kind of stopped visiting grand mother's home, as we had a pet, and my mother used to work elsewhere and only one of us sibling could visit, so my sister would go each year.

Anyway, so in my dream, I see this same lady, and she's sitting on top of me, and I'm completely in submissive mode, my hands are above my head and she's holding me down and I'm trying to get away from it, I'm scared. But she does not budge at all and I am unable to move her at all. At last after continuous trying and getting tired, I plead her to leave me and she says, "not today, today, I'll take you with me" and she leaves one of my hand, raises her hand and just like a tiger's or a big cat's claws, her fingers start coming out of her hands and she literally starts bolting it down towards my kidney, like its some of nail that's being drilled into me and then suddenly I wake up from this dream.

The dream is not scary, per se its too cliche'. But what makes it scary is that once my mother and sister were talking and I just listened to my mother talking about one of her Aunt, and I told her, I had seen her, my mother mentioned that it was not possible for me to see her, since she had died a long time ago, even before my mother got married. And I have been seeing her image in that bathroom mirror for god knows how many years and then that image suddenly appears in my dream. That made it the most scariest nightmare that I have encountered.